Class Videos

Check out these videos of the students in Room 106!

Wax Museum - 5/03
Wax Museum

2nd Grade Science

Readers Theatre - 3/29
Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Special HAT DAY Visitor - 3/01
Baby Shark

Wellness Wednesday Exercise - 2/20
Fortnite Style

Valentine's Day Party - 2/14
V Day Party

Energized Guyz Assembly - 2/14
Conserve Energy!

Valentine's Day Boxes - 2/13
V Day Box Contest

Hat Day Celebration - 1/24
Hat Day!

Winter Party - 12/20
Winter Party

The Night Before Christmas! - 12/20
Readers Theatre

Creating our Melted Snowmen for the Grant Holiday Shoppe - 12/14
Melted Snowmen

Readers Theatre Performance - 11/30
Cruella De Vil

'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving - 11/20

Class Party - 10/31
Favorite Book Characters Party

Readers Theatre - 10/05
Fall Fun

Story Telling Presentation with Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Hoy - 9/27

Readers Theatre in Miss Lynch's Room - 9/14
A School Cheer

Grant Cheer at our first school assembly - 9/07
Grant Cheer

Readers Theatre - 8/31
A Flea and a Fly


  1. mr.hoilday its braydon

  2. Hi Braydon!
    I hope you are enjoying 3rd grade! Tell all my Grant friends I said hi!

  3. Hope your haveing a good time at emerson
